
Go Green Aquaponics Blog

Discover the secrets of successful catfish farming in aquaponics. Learn how to raise healthy catfish, optimize your system, and troubleshoot common issues for a thriving aquaponics venture.
This article will discuss everything you need to know about raising trout in your aquaponics system. 
Learn how to cultivate delicious peas in your aquaponics garden. Our comprehensive guide covers pea varieties, system setup, care, and troubleshooting for a thriving, sustainable harvest.
Discover effective methods for dechlorinating water in your aquaponics system. Learn about the importance of chlorine removal, alternative water sources, and best practices to ensure healthy fish and thriving plants.

Having the right and efficient water pump will ensure that the water is continuously pushed through-out your aquaponics system to provide the fish and the plants necessary nutrients. If your water pump is not reliable to do the job of distributing the water in the system, the consequences could be a failure in building and maintaining your own aquaponics system. That is why we made this article to help you choose the right water pump for your aquaponics system. 

There are many aquaponics fish tank designs and kits available in the market, and you can even design a do-it-yourself fish tank at home according to your resources.
Discover the key differences between aquaponics and hydroponics, factors to consider when choosing a system, and real-world success stories. Make informed decisions for a greener future in agriculture.

Unlock the secrets to successful shrimp aquaponics, and take your sustainable farming to the next level. Explore growth, health, and culinary delights as you savor the flavor of homegrown, eco-friendly shrimp.

Explore the Raft Aquaponics System for sustainable food production. Learn about its features, setup, benefits, and challenges.

Discover how to protect your aquaponics system during winter with our comprehensive guide. Learn essential strategies for temperature control, fish and plant care, and troubleshooting common issues for year-round success.
Bacteria usually live on the bottom of the fish tank and on the grow media in the grow beds. Fish waste and excess food settle at the bottom of the tank and the bacteria work on breaking down this waste.
Discover the secrets to successful aquaponics with our guide on choosing the best fish, feeding strategies, water quality, and sustainable practices. Dive into sustainable fish farming today!
Discover the art of growing beans in aquaponics systems with our step-by-step guide. Maximize your bean harvest and explore the benefits of sustainable farming in this eco-friendly approach

Aquaponics is a great way to garden. You can grow a variety of plants, and you don't have to worry about the soil. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of planting in aquaponics systems. First, we will discuss some basic concepts about aquaponics gardening. Then, we will give you instructions on how to grow your first crop!

Tilapia is one of the most popular fish species raised in aquaponics systems. They are known as one of the hardiest fish that can survive in a wide range of water conditions. Caring for tilapia is relatively easy because they are low maintenance. However, while they are easy to raise and ideal fish species for aquaponics, there are factors you need to know in raising tilapia to be successful. 

Discover the transformative world of aquaponics, a sustainable farming marvel that merges aquaculture and hydroponics. Explore its mechanism, benefits including reduced water usage and year-round cultivation, and gain insights into successful real-world projects. Learn tips for starting your own aquaponics journey and contribute to a greener future





Explore the best plants for aquaponics from leafy greens to fruiting plants, and learn to navigate challenges while nurturing an eco-conscious garden. Dive into the art of aquaponic cultivation and unleash your green thumb in a symphony of sustainable growth."
Discover the role of worms in aquaponics. Learn how worms can enhance nutrient cycling, improve plant growth, and tackle waste management. Explore step-by-step guidance on setting up a worm habitat, troubleshooting common challenges, and harnessing vermiponics for sustainable food production.
